The Adaptive Seller Workbook

The Adaptive Seller Workbook

Here’s a statistic that will boggle your mind: Humans consume 74 gigabytes, the equivalent of 175 newspapers of content, per day. Customers are assaulted with facts, pseudo-facts, exit company ads, resale ads, yelp reviews, media and statistics all posing as relevant information. Much of the well-sourced information is contradictory. Sorting the “need to knows” from the “nice to knows” can be exhausting.

Motivations have transformed drastically and more and more customers are defaulting to the status quo or a no deal. What’s the solution? New research, just released by Gartner, reveals that sellers who help make sense of information, who can simplify and tune into the feelings of their customers rather than piling on more data, significantly outperform their peers.

How must sellers adapt to this new reality? What are the three most important adaptations to this new reality of sense-making?

This workbook will guide you on how to:

  1. Articulate the three great sales disruptions according to Gartner research.
  2. Map communication channels to the sales process. Decide which sales communication channels are most effective, at the lowest cost, at each step, and determine when communication needs to be face-to-face.
  3. Calculate when video should be used versus a phone call. How should you deploy social media video messaging and texting in the sales process? What content, whitepapers, and customer stories should you tell?
  4. Make a powerful ROI case with the buyer, using the sense-making framework, when selling in a hybrid environment.
  5. Eliminate customer coping strategies and biases, thus reducing buyer skepticism while increasing buyer confidence.
  6. Design the five questions you must ask yourself as you prepare for your hybrid strategy.